Next Generation Sync Client | new version 17.3.6705.1122

NGSC: new Colors and Symbols

Starting at December 1st, Microsoft has released a new version of the Next Generation Sync Client (NGSC) for a broader mass of people

The version of this Sync Client has the number 17.3.6705.1122. And you see, the colors have changed. And there are some new symbols

NGSC: new Symbols in  Windows Explorer

Behind the new symbol (Tenant Name without the word OneDrive) you see all local synced files from different document-libraries from Office 365. These are the following:

  • Team-Sites
  • Groups
  • Shared with me files

Now the whole thing looks a bit tidier.

What has been changed?

    This version will automatically received by more users. And with the version 17.3.6705.1122 you have  the Released Version AND the Preview Version. That’s not so easy to understand. But I have described it in the following blog post.

OneDrive for Business | Next Generation Sync Client (all Versions)

    Some of my blog post follower have written, that they have to go back to the old version, because they have some issues, but I could not confirm the bugs. But I know. the new client will be better and more stable with each new version.

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