The newest OneDrive Version

all OneDrive Versions, also for Testimng older Versions

Currently we have 24.084.0424.0001 in the Insider Ring and 24.065.0331.0002 in the Production Ring. Also available 24.010.0114.0003 in the Deferred Ring.


  • Microsoft fixed product issues to improve the reliability and performance of the OneDrive sync app.


  • Microsoft fixed product issues to improve the reliability and performance of the OneDrive sync app.

This page contains all versions since the last update.

[Update 4/26/24] [4/25/24] [4/24/24] [4/23/24] [4/21/24] [4/18/24] [4/16/24] [4/13/24] [4/10/24] [4/9/24] [4/6/24]

Insider VersionProduktion Version
24.067.0402.0001 04/04
24.068.0403.0001 04/05
24.070.0407.0001 04/09
24.071.0408.0001 04/10
24.074.0411.0001 04/13
24.076.0414.0003 04/16
24.076.0414.0005 04/21
24.078.0416.0001 04/18
24.081.0421.0001 04/23
24.082.0422.0001 04/24
24.083.0423.0001 04/25
24.084.0424.0001 04/26
24.050.0310.0001 03/27
24.055.0317.0002 04/06
24.065.0331.0002 04/21

You can download all OneDrive versions for testing.
The tables include Versions for

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